“Lucky Girl Syndrome” has taken TikTok by storm. It’s everywhere & it does truly works, but if you’re wondering…what is it? How does it work? Where do I begin?
You’re in the right place. This blog will cover everything about Lucky Girl Syndrome as well as 50 free ‘Lucky Girl Syndrome’ affirmations to get you started.
In good news – It is your lucky day already! Click the button below to download 5 free iphone wallpapers to help you kickstart your lucky girl journey.
In this blog:
What is Lucky Girl Syndrome?
LGS draws on 2 main principles:
- Law of Attraction
- Law of Assumption
In both these laws the main concept is becoming a vibrational match for what we desire, therefore attracting it into our lives; assuming we already have it & that it is ours. In doing so, we call the things we want to us, with ease.
By deciding that “I’m so lucky and everything works out for me” you create not only a positive mindset but also begin to change the way you see and engage with the world. You will begin to see luck everywhere which then in turn creates more luck! You know how when you’re in a bad mood everything seems to go wrong? It’s the same concept but with luck.
By repeating the lucky affirmations your life will begin to flow and lucky things will happen all around you. It naturally hypes you up and keeps you open to the fact ANYTHING can happen, a constant reminder that positive stuff is on the verge of happening all the time. The more we repeat the affirmations the more lucky things will begin to emerge.
How to use Lucky Girl Syndrome Affirmations
If you have no idea about affirmations, read this blog here to begin!
Affirmations are phrases and statements that we repeat or have around us visually to help us attract what we want in life & become a vibrational match for those desires. There have been recent studies that show that affirmations literally alter the neural responses in our brains! Meaning we can literally change to become what we affirm and if we spend all day affirming the negative, the unlucky, the doom and gloom that is what our lived experience will be!
So with that being said, lucky affirmations help us see the plus side everywhere & rewire our brains for the positive.
Ways to use affirmations:
- Repeat them outloud (maybe whilst getting ready at the start of the day)
- Writing them down every day
- Sticking an affirmation on a mirror so we are reminded several times a day
- Listen to lucky girl affirmations on Youtube (Here is my favourite!)
- Put an affirmation as your phone wallpaper (Follow The Become Her Collective on Pinterest for affirmation wallpapers!)
50 Lucky Girl Syndrome Affirmations
1. The universe is always on my side.
2. Everything always works out in my favor.
3. Everything is always working out for me.
4. Good things effortlessly come to me.
5. I attract luck and success wherever I go.
6. I am a magnet for miracles and blessings.
7. I am constantly surrounded by good fortune.
8. Every day brings new opportunities and luck.
9. I always receive the best outcomes.
10. I am lucky in love and relationships.
11. My life is filled with unexpected joys.
12. I attract wealth and prosperity with ease.
13. I am lucky in my career and professional life.
14. I am always in the right place at the right time.
15. My dreams and desires manifest effortlessly.
16. Luck follows me wherever I go.
17. I am grateful for the endless luck in my life.
18. I attract positive and fortunate experiences.
19. I am lucky in my friendships and connections.
20. Good fortune flows to me naturally.
21. I am blessed with constant luck and abundance.
22. I always have what I need when I need it.
23. My life is a series of lucky events.
24. I trust in my lucky intuition.
25. I am lucky to be alive and thriving.
26. I attract lucky breaks and opportunities.
27. My positive energy attracts luck and success.
28. I am a lucky girl who always wins.
29. Luck is my constant companion.
30. I am lucky in health and wellness.
31. My life is filled with lucky coincidences.
32. I am grateful for the lucky moments in my life.
33. I attract lucky people and experiences into my life.
34. My path is paved with luck and blessings.
35. I am surrounded by lucky signs and symbols.
36. I am always in the right place to receive luck.
37. Luck and prosperity are my birthrights.
38. I am lucky in my decisions and choices.
39. My positive mindset attracts luck and success.
40. I am a lucky girl who lives a charmed life.
41. I am fortunate in all areas of my life.
42. I am lucky in my personal and professional endeavors.
43. My life is filled with lucky surprises.
44. I am lucky to be surrounded by love and support.
45. Luck and abundance flow to me effortlessly.
46. I am a magnet for lucky opportunities.
47. I am blessed with good luck and prosperity.
48. My life is a testimony to luck and fortune.
49. I am grateful for the continuous luck in my life.
50. I am the luckiest girl, and my life is magical.